On Tuesday, April 10, 2018 1:25:42 PM CEST Simon Thelen wrote:
> On 18-04-10 at 10:55, Christoph Böhmwalder wrote:
> > I was wondering how the OpenRC dependencies between start scripts work.
> > 
> > Basically, I have two network interfaces on my laptop (wlp3s0 and
> > enp0s20u2u3 for wireless and ethernet respectively).  When I start the
> > wireless interface service (rc-service net.wlp3s0 start) the OpenVPN
> > service starts and vice versa.  That's great, but I didn't configure
> > that anywhere.
> What does your /etc/runlevels/ look like? Is the openvpn service in one
> of the runlevels? Are either of your network interfaces in one of the
> runlevels?
> > What's even worse is that when I'm not connected via WiFi (i.e.
> > ethernet), the VPN service won't start because net.wlp3s0 isn't started:
> [..]
> > Why would it do that, can I configure this anywhere?
> Also check /etc/rc.conf and try setting rc_depend_strict="NO". I do wish
> there were a way to modify require/provides without having to edit the
> init scripts themselves.

There is. You have (at least) 2 other options:

1) In the "/etc/conf.d" files (as I tend to do):
# grep need /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.5
(This means, postgresql-9.5 needs the 'netmount' service to have started first)

# grep need /etc/conf.d/netmount 
rc_need="net iscsid"
(This means, netmount needs 'net' and 'iscsid' started first)

2) /etc/rc.conf
See the following section in the default version:
# It's possible to define extra dependencies for services like so


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