Main issue is you need "PHYSICAL"access to carry these attacks out.
It's that god damn simple. If they can physically access the system,
it doesn't matter how good the security it because "THEY' own it.

All this does is makes damn sure I will not buy any used hardware
since you can change embed into the UEFI firmware what ever you want -
keep in mind that most boards now have 64M of storage for UEFI
firmware (I haven't seen an update that needed then 2.5M. So ask
youself, why in hell they needed more then 4M? I could see 8M being a
selling point but 64M - hell the first computer I build only had 16M
(that was a 386 system).

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <> wrote:
> On 14/03/18 02:54, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
>> Does anyone know more details?
> This looks like it's either completely fake, or based on half-truths:

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