On Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:09:23 PM CET Aleksander Okonski wrote:
> Hey,
> I have run into a strange problem with my nvidia drivers and gentoo. I am
> currently running kernel 4.14.14 and I upgraded my
> x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers to 390.42 from 390.25. Once the new drivers were
> installed I rebooted my laptop. Once rebooted I was unable to start the
> xorg server using startx and was greeted with errors. The
> /var/logs/xorg.0.log said that the problem was with the kernel module.
> Looking at dmesg I see that I am getting the error:
> NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 390.42, but this kernel
> module has version 390.25. please make sure that this kernel module and all
> NVIDIA driver components have the same version.
> I therefor thought that maybe I forgot to "emerge @module-rebuild" so I ran
> that and rebooted to make sure that everything was ok. However I am still
> getting the same problem.
> Looking at /usr/src/linux it is pointing to the correct kernel of 4.14.14
> and running "modinfo nvidia" it shows that "filename:
> /lib/modules/4/14/14-gentoo/video/nvidia.ko" and that version is 390.42.
> The other nvidia modules (nvidia-drm, nvidia-modeset, and nvidia-uvm) show
> that they are built for the correct kernel and that they are also version
> 390.42.
> I have tried to debug this issue however all the recourse that I was able
> to find mostly said to reboot or perform rmmod nvidia then modprobe nvidia.
> However when I try to rmmod nvidia it is dependent on nvidia-modeset and
> nvidia-drm. Trying to rmmod nvidia-drm will not work as I get the error
> "rmmod error: module nvidia_drm in in use".
> I therefor cannot understand why and where the error is coming from as it
> seems like the kernel has the correct nvidia modules loaded. Any ideas on
> how to fix it or any other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Aleks

Do you use an initramfs? And if yes, does it maybe contain the nvidia module?


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