In VirtualBox Gentoo wiki is written that, to run VirtualBox, one should
emerge app-emulation/virtualbox-modules and load them into memory
either by using modprobe or by adding the following line
modules="vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt vboxpci"
into /etc/conf.d/modules

I did nothing of mentioned above (except for emerging virtualbox-modules,
of course) but nevertheless lsmod shows that all virtualbox-modules are
loaded just after the boot (without even asking me if I need them):
$ lsmod
Module            Size  Used by
vboxpci           12846      0
vboxnetadp    18502      0
vboxnetflt       17028      0
vboxdrv          361873     3 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt,vboxpci
kvm_amd        2159235  0
kvm                 480742    1 kvm_amd
irqbypass         2808        1 kvm

Can anybody explain me who loads virtualbox-modules without my consent
and how I can make them loaded only when I need them (just before I am going
to run VirtualBox, which I do not so often)?

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