On 08/02/18 23:31, gevisz wrote:
I do not use ccache, and in my /var/tmp I only have /var/tmp/portage
and /var/tmp/genkernel (I use genkernel to generate initramfs image).

I never use emerge and genkernel at the same time. So, why not to put
the whole /var/tmp into one tmpfs?

Well, someone here posted that /var/tmp is supposed to persist between reboots. So I'm not sure.

Anyway, I don't think it's going to make any difference in system performance when putting /var/tmp on tmpfs. There's almost nothing in there. Putting /var/tmp/portage on tmpfs is what's going to help with emerges. It will give a bit better emerge times as well as lower fragmentation on your disk.

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