On 12/31/17 08:28, Daniel Frey wrote:
On 12/31/17 06:12, Jalus Bilieyich wrote:
Did you perform this action:
rc-update add localmount default
On my machine (as per my other post) it's in the boot runlevel.
OK, after turning on some logging I figured out what's happening.
When localmount runs /dev/sdc has not been created yet. Presumably it is
getting created after localmount runs.
I suspect that this is because there's a delay during kernel
initialization that loads firmware for some TV tuners I have, and after
this I can see that /dev/sdc is created.
So the question now is... is it safe to add a delay to localmount? Or is
there a better way (like... can I tell the kernel to wait a few seconds
before running init?)
As this is mounted twice (local access and nfs access) in fstab, it
would be best to fix it before localmount runs.