After a reboot today, to switch to 4.14.8-r1, x11-misc/xosview-1.19
(installed last March) fails to launch with "xosview: display :0 cannot
load font 7x13bold"
7x13bold is from media-fonts/font-misc-misc - I have 1.1.2-r1 installed
12/16. I can't tell what changed in the font file, as has hardware problems, and fails on any search
attempt. font-misc-misc does include 7x13B, but I don't know for sure
if that is a valid alias, or if something changed since the last
version, 1.1.2, which was emerged in 2010!
Before today, I haven't rebooted since 12/6, so my first guess is some
problem with font-misc-misc. 7x13B is listed in both fonts.alias as
-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 and fonts.dir as
-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1 in
/usr/share/fonts/misc, which differ only in the iso number. The latter
does show up in the output of xlsfonts, but not the former. Even
stranger, fonts-alias is much older than everything else in that
directory - from when I last emerged media-fonts/font-alias. Is this
perhaps a bug in fonts-alias which needs to be updated to reflect
changes in font naming in other packages? Reinstalling font-alias did
not help.
I then duplicated the line in fonts.alias, changing one of them to the
other iso number. That didn't help without restarting X, but after a
restart, xosview runs. (It now gives me a totally unrelated error -
but I'll deal with that one later.)
Should I file a bug against either font-misc-misc or against
font-alias, or do I have a local configuration error?
Thanks for suggestions.