On 11/19/2017 07:56 AM, Michael Palimaka wrote:

Hi all,

I'm collecting information about people's experiences in #gentoo.
I'm interested in both good and bad experiences, with users, developers,
and operators. Basically, anything that anyone would care to share would
be much appreciated.
The lack of an ncurses setup gui/an express setup option is a major PITA which is why I haven't yet used gentoo as dom0 in a production environment, If something goes wrong and I am forced to re-install it will take long enough for the boss to think I am bad at my job and it isn't the type of thing one should do late at night.

Same for home too - when I get back I want to start my movie watching/gaming VM and kick back. I would really enjoy some type of basic ncurses management gui to assist with the configuration of the litany of options to make things go faster, and to help prevent 2AM mistakes.

I like using a CLI, but I also know that it is not always best.
Feel free to contact me off-list if you'd rather not reply here (if so,
please let me know if you'd like your response kept totally private -
otherwise there is a chance that I might anonymise and share it).
Like most people I hated using gentoo until I got my first 16 core CPU to ease the compile time suffering, compiling with an average dual or quad core was shockingly slow when I first started using it.

Maybe put a list of cheap but high performance CPU's somewhere with a warning to get folks ready for the compile times (ex: the opteron 6386SE $130 used for 16 cores and it doesn't have ME/PSP)

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