On 10/23 10:21, Jeriko One wrote: > * Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> [2017-10-22 11:53:36 -0500]: > > > Another thought, what about using Tor to make it so it can't track IPs > > as well? Joost, you have a thought on that? > > My approach would be the following > Default browser should block all things owned by Facebook. Facebook Browser > should be routed through TOR, and only used for Facebook. > > I think that routing your traffic through TOR, or a VPN would achieve > the most privacy. You can use a different profile or browser to > go to Facebook, but I don't think that alone will stop them from tacking > you. Other websites will pull in javascript from Facebook for some type > of integration. Even if you're not logged into Facebook I'm sure they're > experienced enough to cooralate that "This IP with this OS around this > time read this blog about 3D printing, and went to a 3D printing group > on Facebook. Probably the same person." >
Hi, to block out everything facebook/twitter/google/amazon/etc I use uBlock.origin, uMatrix and PrivacyBadger, which work pretty well. Cheers Meino