On 2017-10-20, Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:

> I don't think that can be it, because there's no sign of authentication 
> failure in the log. This is the whole log of an attempt to fetch mail:
> [09:55:57] * message: Account 'Internet Incoming': Connecting to POP3 
> server: mail.zen.co.uk:995...
> [09:55:57] POP3< +OK smarthost03a, Zen Internet POP3 Server Ready
> [09:55:57] POP3> USER <me>@zen.co.uk
> [09:55:57] POP3< +OK Please enter your pass, with the PASS command.
> [09:55:57] POP3> PASS ********
> [09:55:57] POP3< +OK Logged in.
> [09:55:57] POP3> STAT
> [09:55:58] POP3< +OK 0 0
> [09:55:58] POP3> QUIT
> [09:55:58] POP3< +OK Goodbye. See you again sometime :)

In the response to the STAT command, the server says there is no mail.

What is it that you expect claws to do when there is no mail?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Did you move a lot of
                                  at               KOREAN STEAK KNIVES this
                              gmail.com            trip, Dingy?

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