The use of --depclean would not have erase only the dependences that are not more used for any applicatory one? If yes, why do I need to reconstruct the dependent applications of those dependences that I erased with "emerge -- depclean"? If no, please, clarify me about the functioning of "revdep-rebuild" that I did not understand its funcionality.
revdep-rebuild should be used when upgraded dependencies break a package.
for example, you have package A that has a dependency on library B.
you go and upgrade B, which happened to change its major version number.
now, package A doesn't work anymore, because the dynamic linker can't find the old lib anywhere.
revdep-rebuild should locate and rebuild package A to link it against the new library.
Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil |