FYI this info and use flags worked for me to get a clean *electron* build
(with also getting eg *nodejs *dependency). I think also works for
chromium. I doubt "static-libs" is making any difference:

*/etc/portage>* emerge --info electron

dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l::gentoo was built with the following:
USE="asm sslv2 sslv3 static-libs tls-heartbeat zlib -bindist -gmp -kerberos
-rfc3779 -sctp -test -vanilla"

*/etc/portage>* emerge --info electron

dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l::gentoo was built with the following:
USE="asm sslv2 sslv3 static-libs tls-heartbeat zlib -bindist -gmp -kerberos
-rfc3779 -sctp -test -vanilla"

*/etc/portage>* egrep -r "(ssl|electron|nodejs)" pack*

package.accept_keywords:>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l ~amd64
package.accept_keywords:=dev-util/electron-1.3.13-r1 ~amd64

package.use/use:>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l ssl sslv2 sslv3 static-libs

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Damo Brisbane <> wrote:

> Emerge -pv openssl:
> [ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l::gentoo  USE="asm sslv3
> tls-heartbeat zlib -bindist -gmp -kerberos -rfc3779 -sctp -sslv2
> -static-libs {-test} -vanilla"...
> I figured ssl better off without it; I think the issue with this package
> is it builds it's own version of chromium as part of the emerge, and I
> think this is where the ssl dependency comes in. Right though, I think
> package maintainer is where I need to head to next.
> Thanks
> On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Adam Carter <>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 6:26 AM, Damo Brisbane <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am having troubles installing dev-util/electron, related to linking in
>>> "ssl3" in the final step of the ebuild, from build log:
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld:
>>> cannot find -lssl3
>>> FYI on ssl, I only want a "working/current" ssl and/or tls installation
>>> and I don't care for the details around the installation other than I would
>>> like - as much as possible - "ssl" to be future proof and compatible with
>>> current and new installs; in this case I just want electron, and I can't
>>> install the package because of this linking error. I can successfully build
>>> by hacking the final link step and simply remove the reference to "-lssl",
>>> below:
>>> > cd $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/dev-util/electron-1.3.13-r1/work/chromium-52
>>> .0.2743.82/out/R
>>> > x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--a 
>>> > ....obj/atom/app/electron.atom_main.o  obj/libelectron_lib.a
>>> o... lib/ lib/ -lz -lhttp_parser -lssl -lcrypto -
>>> and compiles fine.
>>> There are no "ssl" use flags on electron?:
>> My first guess would be that your openssl is not compiled with sslv3. The
>> ebuild for electron only asks for >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2g:0=[-bindist]
>> not openssl[sslv3]. If that's the problem then there's a bug in electrons
>> ebuild.
>> What does emerge -pv openssl show for use flags?
>> However, ssl is pretty much deprecated these days due to security issues,
>> so unless you have a need to support something that cant do TLS, you're
>> better off leaving it out. Another issue may be that -lssl may be a loose
>> term for SSL+TLS...

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