On 12/09/17 18:55, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
After several months of Gnome3 I decided it is too heavy for my old
workstation and would like to go back to LXDE. The flow could be:

1. rebuild kernel with openRC support and install
2. emerge -C gnome networkmanager
3. emerge -C systemd
4. change profile to generic desktop (non-Gnome)
5. emerge -N lxde-meta  
6. emerge -N xdm openrc anacron sysklogd sysvinit
7. reboot

I doubt it will be this easy... anything I'm missing, suggestions?

You can just keep systemd and only remove Gnome. Switch to another, non-Gnome systemd profile and unmerge Gnome, then do a --depclean. Also look in your world file to see if you have anything in there that prevents depclean from removing it.

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