On 2017-09-07 14:47, Ralph Seichter <m16+gen...@monksofcool.net> wrote:
> On 07.09.2017 15:20, Danny YUE wrote:
>> Well, I know it is not the perfect place but I don't want to spam my
>> inbox with Firefox topics, so that's why I don't subscribe that mail
>> list and am asking here. ;-)
> And you believe that spamming the inbox people interested in Gentoo
> (that's why we subscribed to this mailing list) is OK ? ;-) Seriously,
> this is completely off-topic here, so please use the appropriate mailing
> lists instead. Thanks.
> -Ralph

Maybe this can be understood as "application software discussion in
Gentoo"? XD

Let's just stop here...sorry for any potential spam.


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