good tip, thanks.

The Power Of the People Is Stronger Than The People In Charge.

28. Aug 2017 12:55 by

> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 2:37 PM, allan gottlieb <>> > wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 28 2017, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> I forgot to mention there are things that /significantly/ improve
>>> compile times. Top of the list is /var/tmp/portage on tmpfs.
>> Does this mean that, if the build fails, you build again not on tmpfs so
>> as to capture build.log?
> Just copy the build log off the tmpfs.  Portage doesn't remove it
> automatically.  Unless you reboot the system before inspecting it the
> file will still be there unless you have a really overzealous
> tmpreaper.
> (Or if you're doing the build in a systemd unit.  I actually build
> binary packages overnight from a unit and was always puzzled about why
> the build was gone from /var/tmp/portage when I'd inspect errors.
> Then I realize the default is for units to have a private /var/tmp -
> so it was gone when the unit terminated.  That can of course be
> disabled.)
> -- 
> Rich

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