Mick wrote:
> On Tuesday, 22 August 2017 16:41:54 BST Dale wrote:
>> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> On 22/08/2017 15:01, Dale wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> I have this 
> You have not defined what "this" is.  The word "this" is being used here as a 
> determinant (I think), but it is not preceded by a sentence defining it.  So, 
> we are left hanging in anticipation of you revealing what "this" refers to, 
> meanwhile engaging in wild a** guessing as to what it might have been you had 
> in your mind, but never wrote down.

This would be Seamonkey, that I use to compose and send emails with,
even tho I'm less happy with it than I once was.  ;-) 

>>>> set to send text only for gentoo.org and kde.org.  Someone
>>>> replied making me think it 
> Hmm ... same deal here.  You have not defined "it".

Same it.

>>>> is not doing as instructed, even tho 
> By "tho" I assume your mean "though" if you have used a spelling variant of 
> the late 19th early 20th century, which in 2017 may appear an oddity.  
> Nevertheless, your preference is respected.

Yea, it's shorter spelled that way and sometimes my o and u fingers get
crossed up.  Those keys on the keyboard are wearing thin too.  lol 

>>>> settings says it is.
> Well, "settings" in plural form are more than one and therefore the verb must 
> "say" it is.  Of course, settings say nothing, as they are not a person to 
> utter words.  Settings define, specify, set, show, indicate, and so on.
>>>>  Can someone tell me for sure and certain that this is
>>>> sending as it should?  Text only I hope.
> "this" and "it" still require defining.

Done.  lol 

>>> I see 3 problems with your mail, but content-type is not one of them :-)
>>> That is set to text only, exactly as you intended
>> What would those be?  Maybe I can change a setting and fix it.
> Here we go again:  Alan explained he spotted three (3) things wrong with your 
> mail.  He did not say your mail is wrong.  Therefore, "it" is inappropriate 
> in 
> form.  It should be in plural.
> In addition, I am not sure what setting you may need to change.  I hope it 
> will not be painful for either party.

Me to because it may require changing email programs.  O_o 

>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> LOL!  I'm only pulling your leg Dale! Wot U wrote was good and proper!  :-)
> PS.  I think Peter may be around the corner any minute now, to correct my 
> English too!  Ha, ha, ha!

Well, most old timers know I have this occasional hiccup with my email
program.  I upgrade and it starts sending HTML and all sorts of crazy
things.  Sometimes, I want to shoot the thing, stick some dynamite in it
and blow it up and then bury it, 10 feet deep.  I can put that leg you
are pulling in the hole if needed.  lol 


:-)  :-) 

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