On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Francisco Ares <fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build a minimal Gentoo image for an embedded appliance.
> Everything - AFAIK - works good, but I need to key in Ctrl-Alt-F5  /
> Ctrl-Alt-F7 a couple of times  (F5 is just an example, just have to switch
> off of X and back again), just then X shows up.
> I have removed a lot of packages, in special the ones used in development.
> GCC is still there, though.
> Any ideas?  I know this is hugely vague, but, who knows if someone out there
> hasn't gone through this before?
> Thanks!
> Francisco

What is the hardware? Are you sure X is starting as quickly as you
assume it is? Are you using the software rasterizer? I have
experienced similar issues intermittently on my RPi/RPi3 but not
regularly enough to diagnose it.

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