>>>>> Is there a better way?  If not, is there an easy way to set up that
>>>>> VPN connection?  I've always read that OpenVPN is a bear and I've been
>>>>> lucky enough to avoid needing it all this time.
>>>> Bear, in what sense?  Slow, hard?
>>> Hard.  It seems like a waste to become acquainted with OpenVPN for
>>> just this purpose.  I've been using Gentoo on all of my systems for
>>> nearly 15 years and haven't needed it otherwise.
>> Learning how to set up a VPN connection, which is probably what they
>> are asking you to do, is not a waste of time. KVM or some variation of
>> it is the standard way to do this (though I very much detest it, as
>> each server is essentially preinstalled with unmodifiable firmware
>> that has control over your physical hardware).
> Is there a way to make the KVM connection without becoming an expert in 
> OpenVPN?

OK you guys win.  Can anyone point me toward docs on the easiest way
to set up the connection?

- Grant

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