On Tuesday 11 Jul 2017 07:51:19 Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2017-07-11 09:02, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > > I use GNOME with Wayland for some time and I actually didn't notice
> > > that I switched until I tried to get synergy working ( mouse sharing
> > > software, which only works on X ), seems like GDM automatically
> > > chose Wayland since some upgrade. XWayland works pretty seamlessly
> > > as well, so I'll just stay with Wayland for now, but it might be
> > > more annoying to use it with other DEs/WMs.
> > > 
> > > However, I have less screen tearing with fullscreen applications
> > > with Wayland than I had with X ( with radeon + mesa ).
> > 
> > My sense is that this is probably what people would see.  It will
> > probably work fine for any of the major DEs, but you'll find these
> > little cases of tools that aren't ported.  One BIG area that will be
> > affected is X11 forwarding.  I'm not sure if that works over ssh or
> > not with wayland, but wayland in general doesn't support network
> > sockets.
> What about "3rd party" window managers like openbox?  From my limited
> understanding of wayland, that functionality just goes out of the window
> (OOPS, sorry); window management becomes a responsibility of the toolkit
> and there is no way to plug in a different one.
> Or does xwayland help with that?  I'll be grateful for an explanation of
> this area, as I'm worried about the future of the X server but I'm also
> married to openbox.

Additional question:  will keyboard selection keybindings for different 
languages be read off /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf?  In particular,

 Option "XkbLayout" 
 Option "XkbOptions"

which help me toggle the keyboard between different languages.  Or is a 
different mechanism required for (X)Wayland?


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