On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 10:34 AM, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it not possible to add it via a USE flag? Even if there are no real
> compile time options, could the flag pull in ntp?

Could a USE flag do this?  Sure.  Should it?  No.

"The usage of a USE flag should not control runtime dependencies when
the package does not link to it. Doing so will create extra
configuration for the package and re-compilation for no underlying
file change on disk. This should be avoided and instead can be
conveyed to the user via post install messages if needed."

If this is an optional runtime dependency the general practice is to
just output a message after installation.  Adding dependencies or USE
flags are both poor solutions in these situations.

GLEP 62 was actually created to address this, but it hasn't gone
anywhere.  To be fair, just printing an elog message isn't that
painful a solution.


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