On Friday 19 May 2017 13:43:24 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hello list,
> Today's update broke KMail. 15 dev-qt packages were upgraded from 4.8.6 to
> 4.8.7, and when I logged out, restarted xdm and logged in again, KMail's
> folder list showed all the folders in red, and the other two panes were
> blank. Akonadiconsole showed the LAN Mail agent offline, broken.
> In case anyone else falls over this one, I've raised this bug; it's been
> confirmed by one other user so far:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=618922
> Has anyone found a fix for this?

I haven't run an update yet, but thank you for bringing this to our attention.  
I'll stay put on 4.8.6-r2, until the bug is resolved.

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