On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 1:40 AM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday 01 May 2017 22:36:00 Nils Freydank wrote:
>> On Sat, 30 Apr 2017 19:04:06 +0200 Andrew Savchenko wrote:
>> > [...]
>> > I fail to see why FTP needs to be replaced: it works, it is
>> > supported, it is secure when used with care, it is damn fast.
>> I’ll just drop the somewhat popular rant “FTP must die“[1] and a follow-up
>> discussion about it[2]. IMHO the main reasons are missing data integrity and
>> authentication security issues. The latter one can be solved with FTPS[3] -
>> but honestly I never saw FTPS somewhere actually used in the wild.
> I'm not sure what you mean "used in the wild".  I use lftp to connect via ftps
> with a number of webservers for updates and backups on a daily basis.  Some of
> the connections are scripted.
>> [1] http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie
>> [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11251907
>> [3] i.e. FTP over SSL/TLS (not to mix up with SFTP, which comes from the SSH
>> family)
>> Greetings,
>> Nils

That was an interesting read. The only RFC as bad as FTP's that I know
of might be IRC's.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 8:48 PM, lee <l...@yagibdah.de> wrote:
> Kai Krakow <hurikha...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Am Sat, 29 Apr 2017 20:30:03 +0100
>> schrieb lee <l...@yagibdah.de>:
>>> Danny YUE <sheepd...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> > On 2017-04-25 14:29, lee <l...@yagibdah.de> wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> since the usage of FTP seems to be declining, what is a replacement
>>> >> which is at least as good as FTP?
>>> >>
>>> >> I'm aware that there's webdav, but that's very awkward to use and
>>> >> missing features.
>>> >
>>> > What about sshfs? It allows you to mount a location that can be
>>> > accessed via ssh to your local file system, as if you are using
>>> > ssh.
>>> Doesn't that require ssh access?  And how do you explain that to ppl
>>> finding it too difficult to use Filezilla?  Is it available for
>>> Windoze?
>> Both, sshfs and scp, require a full shell (that may be restricted but
>> that involves configuration overhead on the server side).
> I wouldn't want them to have that.
>> You can use sftp (FTP wrapped into SSH), which is built into SSH. It
>> has native support in many Windows clients (most implementations use
>> PuTTY in the background). It also has the advantage that you can
>> easily restrict users on your system to SFTP-only with an easy
>> server-side configuration.
> From what I've been reading, sftp is deprecated and has been replaced by
> ftp with TLS.
>>> > Also samba can be a replacement. I have a samba server on my OpenWRT
>>> > router and use mount.cifs to mount it...
>>> Does that work well, reliably and securely over internet connections?
>> It supports encryption as transport security, and it supports kerberos
>> for secure authentication, the latter is not easy to setup in Linux,
>> but it should work with Windows clients out-of-the-box.
>> But samba is a pretty complex daemon and thus offers a big attack
>> surface for hackers and bots. I'm not sure you want to expose this to
>> the internet without some sort of firewall in place to restrict access
>> to specific clients - and that probably wouldn't work for your scenario.
> At least it's a possibility.  I don't even know if they have static IPs,
> though.
>> But you could offer access via OpenVPN and tunnel samba through that.
> I haven't been able yet to figure out what implications creating a VPN
> has.  I understand it's supposed to connect networks through a secured
> tunnel, but what kind of access to the LAN does someone get who connects
> via VPN?  Besides, VPN is extremely complicated and difficult to set
> up.  I consider it an awful nightmare.
> Wireguard seems a lot easier.

I had some problems setting up OpenVPN that were solved by using
per-client public keys. That seems to be the best supported
configuration (as well as the most secure). Windows-side using
OpenVPN-GUI is very easy.

OpenVPN tends to have poor bandwidth due to overhead, but that may be
in large part due to my connection.

>> By that time, you can as easily offer FTP, too, through the tunnel
>> only, as there should be no more security concerns now: It's encrypted
>> now.
> The ftp server already doesn't allow unencrypted connections.
> Now try to explain to ppl for whom Filezilla is too complicated how to
> set up a VPN connection and how to secure their LAN once they create the
> connection (if we could ever get that to work).  I haven't been able to
> figure that out myself, and that is one of the main reasons why I do not
> have a VPN connection but use ssh instead.  The only disadvantage is
> that I can't do RDP sessions with that ---  I probably could and just
> don't know how to --- but things might be a lot easier if wireguard
> works.
>> OpenVPN also offers transparent compression which can be a big
>> plus for your scenario.
> Not really, a lot of data is images, usually JPEG, some ZIP files, some
> PDF.  All that doesn't compress too well.
>> OpenVPN is not too difficult to setup, and the client is available for
>> all major OSes. And it's not too complicated to use: Open VPN
>> connection, then use your file transfer client as you're used to. Just
>> one simple extra step.
> I'm finding it a horrible nightmare, see above.  It is the most
> difficult thing you could come up with.  I haven't found any good
> documentation that explains it, the different types of it, how it works,
> what to use (apparently there are many different ways or something, some
> of which require a static IP on both ends, and they even give you
> different disadvantages in performance ...), how to protect the
> participants and all the complicated stuff involved.  So far, I've
> managed to stay away from it, and I wouldn't know where to start.  Of
> course, there is some documentation, but it is all confusing and no
> good.

Feel free to start a thread on it. As above, I recommend
one-key-per-client and running your own CA.

> The routers even support it.  In theory, it shouldn't be difficult to
> set up, but that's only theory.  They do not have any documentation as
> to how to protect the connected networks from each other.  I could
> probably get it to work, but I wouldn't know what I'm doing, and I don't
> like that.

Routers often ship with extremely outdated packages. Highly recommend
using purpose-built "appliances" for this.

> I admit that I don't really want to know how VPN works because it's
> merely an annoyance and not what I need.  What's needed is a simple,
> encrypted connection between networks, and VPN is anything but that.
> Wireguard sounds really simple.  Since I need to set up a VPN or
> VPN-like connection sooner than later, I'm considering using it.

WireGuard seems to solve every major exception that could be had with
existing transport security solutions. I have been keeping my eye on
it ever since noticing it in eix-sync's output.

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