Miroslav Rovis wrote:
gzip apparently inconsistent behavior occupies the most part of the report on
inconsistencies here (esp. the script make_gzip_archives_consistent.sh).
Checked on my system, same behaviour, looking inside the gzip file you see why. I used
shed but strings is easier:
$ strings eix-installed-after_1.gz
$ strings eix-installed-after_2.gz
gzip stores the filename in the compressed file so the files differ.
But you get different results even if you use the same file name, so digging into the file
format (e.g. http://www.zlib.org/rfc-gzip.html#file-format) you find that gzip stores the
MTIME (Modification TIME) in the file header, so even equally-named files will also differ.
HTH, I did not have the time to go through your long email completely.