On 2017-04-28 09:33, Danny YUE wrote: > I am compiling RISC-V tools...I am just curious how do you manage your > manually compiled software?
Michael already posted the "correct answer", and that's what I'm slowly migrating towards, myself. But the best way I've found before that was install it in a specific subtree of my ~ (that way I don't need root at any time), and manage PATH semi-automatically, as follows: 1. make a symlink in ~/bin to each subdirectory containing programs. For example, if I install foopkg in ~/foopkg/ and the foo program is ~/foopkg/bin/foo , I symlink ~/bin/foopkg -> ../foopkg/bin . 2. this snippet very early in my .bashrc adds each such subdirectory to the PATH: case $PATH in (*/rc-scripts*) : ;; (*) PATH=$PATH:$( find ~/bin -type l -xtype d | paste -sd: ) ;; esac The first case is there to prevent recursion, as I know that rc-scripts will always be one of the symlinks. hth, -- Please *no* private Cc: on mailing lists and newsgroups Personal signed mail: please _encrypt_ and sign Don't clear-text sign: http://primate.net/~itz/blog/the-problem-with-gpg-signatures.html