I have been noticing these kind of errors on a couple of overlays lately: # /usr/bin/eclean-dist * Building file list for distfiles cleaning... * ERROR: dev-python/python-evas-9999::enlightenment failed (depend phase): * python.eclass could not be found by inherit() * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 611: Called source '/var/lib/layman/enlightenment/dev-python/python-evas/python-evas-9999.ebuild' * python-evas-9999.ebuild, line 13: Called inherit 'enlightenment' * ebuild.sh, line 307: Called __qa_source '/usr/portage/eclass/enlightenment.eclass' * ebuild.sh, line 102: Called source '/usr/portage/eclass/enlightenment.eclass' * enlightenment.eclass, line 85: Called inherit 'python' * ebuild.sh, line 284: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * [[ -z ${location} ]] && die "${1}.eclass could not be found by inherit()" * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-python/python- evas-9999::enlightenment'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-python/python- evas-9999::enlightenment'`. * Working directory: '/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/python-evas-9999/work/python-evas-9999' * ERROR: x11-misc/shellementary-9999::enlightenment failed (depend phase): * python.eclass could not be found by inherit() * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 611: Called source '/var/lib/layman/enlightenment/x11- misc/shellementary/shellementary-9999.ebuild' * shellementary-9999.ebuild, line 13: Called inherit 'enlightenment' * ebuild.sh, line 307: Called __qa_source '/usr/portage/eclass/enlightenment.eclass' * ebuild.sh, line 102: Called source '/usr/portage/eclass/enlightenment.eclass' * enlightenment.eclass, line 85: Called inherit 'python' * ebuild.sh, line 284: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * [[ -z ${location} ]] && die "${1}.eclass could not be found by inherit()" * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=x11- misc/shellementary-9999::enlightenment'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=x11- misc/shellementary-9999::enlightenment'`. * Working directory: '/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-misc/shellementary-9999/work/shellementary-9999' * ERROR: dev-python/python-elementary-9999::enlightenment failed (depend phase): * python.eclass could not be found by inherit() [snip...]
* * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 611: Called source '/var/lib/layman/psix-overlay/games- arcade/fretsonfire/fretsonfire-1.3.110.ebuild' * fretsonfire-1.3.110.ebuild, line 9: Called inherit 'eutils' 'python' 'games' * ebuild.sh, line 284: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * [[ -z ${location} ]] && die "${1}.eclass could not be found by inherit()" * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=games- arcade/fretsonfire-1.3.110::psix-overlay'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=games- arcade/fretsonfire-1.3.110::psix-overlay'`. * Working directory: '/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/games- arcade/fretsonfire-1.3.110/work/fretsonfire-1.3.110' * ERROR: dev-util/geneet-9999::enlightenment failed (depend phase): * distutils.eclass could not be found by inherit() Should I ignore them, or do I need to do something about them? -- Regards, Mick
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