
currently I am using urxvt as my standard terminal
application, which is FAST and reliable.
But it only emulates 24bit colors if instructed so.
It maps 24bit rgb to 256 color using a fast but not
total correct formula to to do (which is no critism -
its just the way ot is implemented).

I googled qyite a bit to find 24color terminal
emulators and the one, which came closer to
what I want is sakure.
But comparing the speed of sakura with urxvt
(catting a long log file twice while measureing the time
of the second cat) it shows that sakura needs
six times more time than urxvt.

Combining this with the compile sessions, which
are one of the core features of Gentoo ;)))...

What I want is the "fastest" possible (...) 
terminal emulator supporting true color (24bit).
I dont need fancy configuring options (two exception:
TABS! and lightweighted) and I dont want KDE stuff (or 
any other bloated thing with thousands of dependencies...)
I am simply using openbox. 

What are your experiences?

Any hint is heartly welcome! Thanks !


PS: The terminal emulator dont need to be part
of Gentoo necessarily...if it is compilable
by a human being withoyt super powers... ;)

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