On Monday 24 Apr 2017 11:11:09 Marc Joliet wrote:
> Am Montag, 24. April 2017, 10:13:29 CEST schrieb Peter Humphrey:
> > On Sunday 23 Apr 2017 15:26:48 Marc Joliet wrote:
> > > I followed the instructions and everything went fine, albeit it took
> > > about 2 days on my desktop just for the revdep-rebuild.
> > 
> > I couldn't face the prospect of line-by-line emerging of 341 packages
> > taking hours or days, so I added "--jobs=X --load-average=Y" to the
> > revdep-rebuild command.
> > 
> > X is twice the number of cores, Y is four times.
> I have that in my $EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS, it's just a really old desktop :)
> (the slightly younger laptop I also upgraded "only" took about 24 hours).

Yes, I had too, once. At that time though quite a few packages could only be 
emerged with -j1, so I had to make exceptions for them. It was easier just 
to put the options into an alias:

$ alias emerj='sudo emerge --jobs=24 --load-average=48 --keep-going

Speaking of long emerge times, so far this box has spent nearly six hours on 
two systems simultaneously (one being a chroot for a slower machine) and 
still hasn't finished. And qtwebkit has just failed; I'd better look into 


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