On 170415-13:50+0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Hello, Alan.
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 21:12:44 -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:
> I've got 90% through a Gentoo installation on it, and I'm just
> considering how best to un-mdadm my boot partition (which I mistakenly
> turned into a RAID partition with its partner on the other drive).  I
> can't erase the mdadm metadata stuff with mkfs.ext4 (even with the
> "force" parameter), and I don't think mdadm provides a method for
> undoing RAID.  I can see myself having to use dd from /dev/zero to be
> able to get my partitions back again.

I haven't used mdadm, and don't have it installed at this time, but, as
best I can recollect, it's in the mdadm manual page.

It's --zero<SOMETHING>, I don't remember well at all. Use mdadm to zero
the mdadm-related stuff.

Sorry, can't remember any more details. Haven't used rad in quite some

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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