On 03/25/2017 04:31 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Mar 2017 08:10:25 -0600, wrote:
>>> The full output of emerge, with the --tree option, would put these
>>> messages in context.
>>>> sys-fs/eudev:0
>>>> (sys-fs/eudev-3.1.5:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled
>>>> in by (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this
>>>> slot)
>>>> (sys-fs/eudev-3.1.5:0/0::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
>>>> >=sys-fs/eudev-1.3:0/0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?,static-libs?]
>>>> >required by (virtual/libudev-215-r1:0/1::gentoo, installed)
>>> This one is usually caused by mismatched USE flags on the virtual and
>>> the choice you have installed. Make sure virtual/libudev and eudev
>>> have the same USE flags, otherwise portage will try to install udev
>>> instead.
>> And tried "--tree" option as you suggested. I was doing "@world"
>> But have learned from previous post I have do do in smaller sections so
>> going with @system is showing me the some packages wants to go with
>> "udev" instead of "eudev"
>> [blocks B ] sys-fs/udev ("sys-fs/udev" is blocking
>> sys-fs/eudev-3.1.5)
> There must have been something before this. Show the full output, which
> tells us exactly what portage wants to do, and use -v so all USE flags
> are shown.
>> * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
>> * installed at the same time on the same system.
>> (sys-fs/eudev-3.1.5:0/0::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
>> >=sys-fs/eudev-1.3:0/0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?,static-libs?]
>> >(>=sys-fs/eudev-1.3:0/0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by
>> >(virtual/libudev-215-r1:0/1::gentoo, installed)
>> sys-fs/eudev required by @selected
>> (sys-fs/udev-225-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled
>> in by
>> >=sys-fs/udev-208-r1:0/0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?,static-libs?]
>> >(>=sys-fs/udev-208-r1:0/0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required
>> >by (virtual/libudev-215-r1:0/1::gentoo, installed)
> I still suspect a USE flag mismatch here. What does
> grep -r udev /etc/portage
> show?
> To repeat what I said before, a virtual and the package satisfying it
> must have matching USE flags. If your flags for virtual/libudev and eudev
> don't match, portage will try to install the default for libudev, which
> is udev. That then causes a conflict as you can't have udev and libudev
> installed at the same time.
Here is the output:
grep -r udev /etc/portage
/etc/portage/package.use:sys-fs/udev extras
/etc/portage/package.use:=sys-fs/eudev-1.10-r2 abi_x86_32
/etc/portage/package.use:>=virtual/libudev-215-r1 abi_x86_32
/etc/portage/package.use:>=sys-fs/udev-225-r1 abi_x86_32
/etc/portage/package.use:>=dev-libs/libgudev-230-r1 abi_x86_32
@sysem is OK
emerge -uDavq @system
Nothing to merge; quitting.
emerge -uDavq world
!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
(x11-libs/libxcb-1.12:0/1.12::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
>=x11-libs/libxcb-1.9.3:0/1.12=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)] required by
(media-libs/mesa-12.0.1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/libxcb-1.11.1:0/1.11.1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled
in by
>=x11-libs/libxcb-1.9.1:0/1.11.1=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)] required by
(x11-libs/xcb-util-0.4.0:0/0::gentoo, installed)
(and 4 more with the same problem)
NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above
!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "dev-lang/php:7.0[fpm]" has unmet
- dev-lang/php-7.0.15::gentoo USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cgi cli crypt ctype
exif fileinfo filter gdbm hash iconv ipv6 json ldap mysql nls opcache phar
posix readline session simplexml spell ssl tokenizer truetype unicode xml zlib
-acl -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cjk -coverage -curl -debug -embed -enchant
(-firebird) -flatfile -fpm -ftp -gd -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -kerberos
-ldap-sasl -libedit (-libressl) -mhash -mssql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client
-odbc -pcntl -pdo -phpdbg -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -sharedmem -snmp
-soap -sockets -sqlite -systemd -sysvipc -threads -tidy -wddx -webp -xmlreader
-xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xpm -xslt -zip" ABI_X86="64"
The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
truetype? ( gd ) exif? ( gd ) mysql? ( any-of ( mysqli pdo ) )
The above constraints are a subset of the following complete expression:
cli? ( exactly-one-of ( readline libedit ) ) truetype? ( gd ) webp? ( gd )
cjk? ( gd ) exif? ( gd ) xpm? ( gd ) gd? ( zlib ) simplexml? ( xml ) soap? (
xml ) wddx? ( xml ) xmlrpc? ( any-of ( xml iconv ) ) xmlreader? ( xml ) xslt? (
xml ) ldap-sasl? ( ldap ) mhash? ( hash ) phar? ( hash ) qdbm? ( !gdbm )
readline? ( !libedit ) recode? ( !imap !mysqli ) sharedmem? ( !threads ) mysql?
( any-of ( mysqli pdo ) ) any-of ( cli cgi fpm apache2 embed phpdbg )
(dependency required by "virtual/httpd-php-7.0::gentoo" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "@selected" [set])
(dependency required by "@world" [argument])
I have: x11-libs/libxcb-1.12 installed
But I don't know why the system wants to pull IN the php-7 (I block it in