On 03/18/2017 05:33 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 4:25 AM, Ural <uralz...@autistici.org> wrote:
>> Rich Freeman:
>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:12 PM,  <the...@sys-concept.com> wrote:
>>>> So, instead of getting into trouble of making disk-less node I figure it 
>>>> out my Atom (small box) can access Main server via X2GO.  I tested it on 
>>>> my local network and speed wise it works OK.  Buy my computer is much 
>>>> faster than the Atom.  So after upgrade I'll see how it will run. All 
>>>> boxes have gigabit network cards.
>>> While this would certainly work, you should also consider using a
>>> windows technology like rdp/citrix to connect directly from the client
>>> to the VM guest.  That might actually give you better performance.
>>> It is analogous to running a linux VM in a window and typing into its
>>> console, vs running a linux VM headless and using ssh to connect to
>>> it.  Ssh is probably going to give you a more integrated experience
>>> and better performance, because you're not virtualizing a console with
>>> minimal support for stuff like the clipboard/etc.
>> Try using Nomachine.com NX. It is fastest remote connection, but it is
>> proprietary. There is open source client available for Linux
> x2go is based on NX.  I doubt that NX + VM console window is faster
> than Citrix for accessing a Windows machine.  NX was largely inspired
> by Citrix.
> Both approaches have their pros and cons.  NX is the right solution
> for accessing a linux X11 server.  rdp/citrix is probably the right
> solution for accessing a windows console.  So, the question is whether
> you want to be accessing the VM console running on Linux, or directly
> accessing the windows console running inside the VM.  I suspect that
> the latter is going to be a bit cleaner when you consider things like
> clipboard support and such.  But, if you want to be able to start/stop
> the VM and such then obviously you can't do that from the windows
> console.

OK, I've maxed the RAM on Linux server that will be running two
VM-Windows7 with 32GB of RAM and it has SSD so it should handle the load
(8-core AMD).
One VM-Windows7 run a program as a server the other VM-Windows7 acts as
a client, run by another user. Another user will log to the his account
on a sever via X2GO and start VM-Windows7 (run the same program but in a
client mode).

I've NX as well, but they have closed the source.  X2GO was easier to
install as well.

The rdp might work.  It would be best if I could by-pass the switch,
since both VM's are running on the same Linux server.


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