On 03/15/2017 03:36 PM, Kai Krakow wrote:
> Am Wed, 15 Mar 2017 16:31:58 +0100
> schrieb Alarig Le Lay <ala...@swordarmor.fr>:
>> On mer. 15 mars 09:10:26 2017, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>>> Yes, I run as root: updatedb
>>> But when run:
>>> locate consent_extraction*
>>> It only list one file:
>>> /home/fd/consent_extraction1.pdf (this is a link file)
>>> /home/fd/business/forms/consent_extraction1.pdf
>>> It can not find: "consent_extraction.pdf" both files are in same
>>> directory
>>> ll business/forms/
>>> total 688
>>> ...
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 fd fd  63032 Mar 15 08:52 consent_extraction1.pdf
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 fd fd 397649 Mar 14 20:05 consent_extraction.pdf
>>> I observe the same behaviour on my local machine and remote machine.
>>> Running "find" finds both files
>>> find . -name '*consent_extraction*'
>>> ./business/forms/consent_extraction.pdf
>>> ./business/forms/consent_extraction1.pdf
>>> ./consent_extraction1.pdf
>>> Why?  
>> Hi,
>> Do you have file consent_extraction1.pdf in your working directory? In
>> that case, your shell will begin by expending your asterisk and you
>> will really look for consent_extraction1.pdf.
> This is a concept many people cannot or don't want to grasp. Easy fix
> is to put quotation marks around the search term:
> # locate "consent_extraction*"
> Especially people coming from Windows or DOS have problems with this
> feature. In the MS world, globbing expansion is done by the command
> itself: it will see the * literally in the parameters.
> In the GNU world, globbing expansion is done by the shell before
> handing parameters over to the command: The command won't see the * but
> instead sees what the shell made from it. To work around this behavior,
> you simply put quotation marks around it (which will be removed before
> handed over to the command, so even consent_extraction"*" would work).
> Thus, simply always put quotation marks if you don't want to become
> fooled by unwillingly letting the shell do its job. Missing to do so
> can even have some negative effects, i.e. dangerous, like overwriting
> files during mv by moving all files into the same filename.

locate "consent_extraction*" - didn't find anything

I think, by default "locate" wants to enclose the search location
between two "*.....*" stars.  So if you will not put anything locate
will put them for you.  If you put  only one star it will not find anything.


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