On 170314-06:18+0000, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On March 14, 2017 6:57:59 AM GMT+01:00, Miroslav Rovis 
> <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
> >/etc/portage/package.mask/package.mask.file:>=media-libs/mesa-13.0.0
> >
> >( Btw. how does one search for only recent bugs, anybody? )
> To see most recent bugs, sort on ID.
> To see most recently modified bug, sort on changed.
> (Click on the column headers)

Yes, it was right there for my understanding... Thanks!

Can an address this long be sent, and received, in an email correctly? :

Anyway, it's, currently, 15 bugs that have the status changed with the latest
timestamp somewhere in 2017.  What's happening in that development?

Maybe what happens will be something like what happened with syslog-ng, where
we kind of have this mid-2014 created ebuild (only be looking in Changelog 
which I wasn't able to find on the gitweb, but in portage:

# cat /usr/portage/app-admin/syslog-ng/ChangeLog-2015
*syslog-ng-3.4.8 (06 Jun 2014)

 06 Jun 2014; Michael Sterrett <mr_bon...@gentoo.org> +syslog-ng-3.4.8.ebuild:
 version bump for 3.4 branch

 17 May 2014; Michael Sterrett <mr_bon...@gentoo.org> -syslog-ng-3.4.2.ebuild,
 clean old


for almost forever...

I still have:
# grep -r syslog-ng /etc/portage/p*
because there really were issues:
app-admin/syslog-ng-3.6.2: scary time stamp jumps
Kernel log message time drift #121
which I described in:
Syslog-ng from Delay Logging to BrokenPipe/no Logging

No time to investigate mesa... Anybody can give us a summary of what's really
going on upstream with mesa?

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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