On 06/03/2017 23:55, White, Phil wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure if this needs submitting as a bug, or if I just need a
> little help in configuring...
> I have set up a new install of Gentoo. I use genkernel to create my
> kernel and initrd.
> The resulting /boot directory gives:
>   kernel-genkernel-x86-4.9.6-gentoo-r1
> My chost is i686-pc-linux-gnu.
> Now, I also have installed rear (relax-and-recover) v2, from git
> (app-backup/rear is 1.17.1)
> Problem: rear is looking for a kernel, and it expects it to be named:
>   kernel-genkernel-i686-4.9.6-gentoo-r1
> Since the name doesn't match, it bails out with an error. (This only
> fails with my i686 machine. Running the same configuration on a 64-bit
> machine works fine)
> Question: How am I going to fix this? I don't want to hard code anything
> in the config file, as this will break when I update the kernel... Is
> this a 'bug'?

Please clarify what version of rear has this problem, and how you
installed it.

Either way, from the problem description one can see that rear needs
patching, however:

If it was installed by ortage from an ebuild, then you have a bug to be
reported to b.g.o.

If you installed from git outside of portage, the you get to patch rear

Or, perhaps a third option. Does rear have a config file where you can
define the naming template for the kernel used? (I don't use rear and
can't be bothered googling it, the idea just occurred to me)

Alan McKinnon

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