On 03/05/2017 03:19 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 05/03/2017 23:33, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>> After upgrading my machine. I rebooted, everything went as planned.
>> So I decided to upgrade to a newer kernel.  I was using:
>> linux-3.10.7-gentoo-r1
>> and decided to switch to:
>> linux-4.9.6-gentoo-r1
>> I've done kernel upgrade many, many times so it was a routine procedure. 
>> When I re-booted the last thing on the screen were letter:
>> "GRUB" and blank screen, not even a kernel selection.
>> I scramble, boot strap the system and copied two file in /boot/ 
>> kernel-old --> kernel-current
>> System.map-old --> System.map-current
> You could do this:
> Boot into the old kernel
> Delete the new kernel from /boot
> Fix space issues with /boot
> Re-install new kernel. This goes quick, it's already built in /usr/src
> So, it is possible to grow /boot. I have done it many times. It is
> tedious, boring and usually takes about 3 days longer than I have time
> to spare and involves me using all spare samba shares and portable
> drives I have
> Considering your general state of knowledge and the sort of mistakes you
> are making, I would advise you to backup your world file and
> /etc/portage. Then trash that VM and start over, this time making
> sensible choices about things like space for /boot

At this point the only quick solution is to move the old kernel and
System.map to "/" partition.  In case I need it I can always boot-strap
the system and copy the old file to "/boot"

2.) A permanent fix would be as you suggested, backup:
/etc (complete folder) to a another box, and re-install.

Since this is the same box, same processor.
Is it possible to "boot-strap" the current system, copy entire
"/"-partition to another box over ssh.

Fix the partition sizes and copy back the entire "/"- back to current box.
It would save me all the compiling time.


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