On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 03:39:36PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote

> I wasn't proposing that you could easily build 32-bit packages in a
> 64-bit root (though in theory I think you could).  What I was
> questioning was the assertion that you must reboot into 32-bit mode
> instead of just chrooting into a 32-bit root.

  I don't think Mick was implying that.  Note that he specified
"linux32", which is a symlink to "setarch".

> You'll need to run in 32bit mode when chrooting of course:
> linux32 chroot /mnt/Atom_Build_env /bin/bash
> source /etc/profile
> export PS1="(Atom_Build) $PS1"

  "man linux32" pulls up the "setarch" manpage, which says...

> setarch currently only affects the output of uname -m.  For example,
> on an AMD64 system, running "setarch i386 program" will cause program
> to see i686 instead of x86_64 as the machine type.  It also allows
> to set various personality options.  The default program is /bin/sh.

  "linux32" is an adjunct to running a 32-bit linux chroot on a 64-bit
linux host OS.  chrooting works usually OK without it, but "linux32"
modifies "uname -m" output, which may help with programs that go to
"the bare metal".

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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