Am Sun, 19 Feb 2017 10:20:41 +0000
schrieb Mick <>:

> Hi All,
> Given sddm is not working for my setup, as per bug #608690, I thought
> of trying entrance from the bar overlay.  It wants to pull in
> enlightenment, which I have already installed from the main tree and
> would like to keep it as such:
> # emerge -uaDv entrance
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild     U ~] x11-wm/enlightenment-9999:0.17/9999::bar 
> [0.20.6:0.17/0.20.6::gentoo] USE="eeze%* nls pam ukit -doc -egl%
> -pm-utils% - static-libs -systemd -wayland (-spell%*)"
> ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES="appmenu backlight battery bluez4 clock
> conf-applications conf-bindings conf-dialogs conf-display
> conf-interaction conf-intl conf-menus conf-paths conf-performance
> conf-randr conf-shelves conf-theme conf-window-manipulation
> conf-window- remembers connman contact%* cpufreq everything fileman
> fileman-opinfo gadman ibar ibox lokker mixer msgbus music-control
> notification pager pager16%* quickaccess shot start syscon systray
> tasks teamwork temperature tiling winlist wizard xkbswitch -access%
> -packagkit% -wl-desktop-shell* -wl-drm* -wl- fb% -wl-x11* (-conf%*)
> (-geolocation%*) (-packagekit%*) (-pager-plain%*) (- policy-mobile%*)
> (-wl-text-input%*) (-wl-weekeyboard%*) (-wl-wl%*) (- xwayland%*)" 0
> KiB [ebuild  N    *] x11-plugins/entrance-9999::bar  USE="consolekit
> pam -grub - systemd -vkbd" 0 KiB
> So I tried in /etc/portage/package.provided any combination of these:
> x11-wm/enlightenment-9999:0.17/9999::bar
> =x11-wm/enlightenment-9999:0.17
> x11-wm/enlightenment-9999
> None of which can stop portage dragging in 'x11-
> wm/enlightenment-9999:0.17/9999::bar'.  What is the correct syntax to
> block this version of enlightenment from emerging?

The file needs to go to /etc/portage/profile/package.provided to have
any effect. But I guess this is the wrong way for what you're going to
accomplish. You should instead mask that version and then see, what
pulls it in. Or you could try the world upgrade with "--exclude
enlightenment" switch.


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