On 19.02.2017 14:41, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Helmut Jarausch <jarau...@skynet.be> [17-02-19 14:04]:
>> Hi,
>> sometime I have some memory hungry ebuilds in the background, when I 
>> start (e.g.) Chromium which needs very much memory if you have a lot of 
>> open tabs.
>> In that case my system nearly freezes. I cannot even kill chrome.
>> What can I do in that case. (Remote login doesn't work either)
>> Can I have any additional program (like Chromium) die if there is not 
>> enough memory.
>> Many thanks for a hint,
>> Helmut
> Hi Helmut,
> I know that situation very well...additionally I have Blender
> open...
> But I think that the "freeze" of the system is not due to the memory
> amount but due to the heavy I/O while swapping.

I think so, too.

> May be a tool like ionice could help you to keep the possibility
> of killing certain processes. Ionice the emerge itself and additinally
> nice it also.
> The emerge may take longer, but a frozen system is even slower...
> ;)
> HTH!
> Cheers
> Meino

You can also use a compressed swap partition in RAM via zram
(Instructions: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Zram).
Then your system is still responsive enough to kill chromium when you
realize that your memory fills up.

It should also be possible to somehow dynamically set memory quotas but
I've not tried it yet. It might work via cgroups (which portage can use

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