I just posted in the wiki, as there is no way for me yet to communicate
in the normal internet, not the Schmoog, Stasibook and all the big
players' crazy internet... I'm working on it, but not there yet...

And for the above reasons [I just posted in] this [wiki]:

I hope it's pretty clear what the problem is.

Ouch!... I have to summarize it here, can't force the readers to go to
pages if they don't want to, without a summary first...

So, fetching packages for the overlay:
that I reached to from:
all went fine, except for one exact file, as witnessed by the log in my
Overlay_Talk:Youbroketheinternet post of today:
>>> Downloading 'http://data.iana.org/root-anchors/root-anchors.xml'
and later:
> /usr/portage/distfiles/root-anchors-20100715.xml._checksum_failure_.wxcel31j

And, as I wrote in that post:
> I think that a 7 ys old root-anchors-20100715.xml XML file having been
> changed, or me being MiTM'ed, or the developers having got exactly and
> only that file's hashes wrong... is pretty interesting here... Because
> I thought about getting that file elsewhere, and then I look closely,
> and hey: it's the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority themselves
> website. They can't be wrong, can they, so what is it: my connection
> to them, or the devs' hashes...?

Or is it really still that the IANA changed that nearly 7 yrs old file?

Can anybody: 

1) alert the gnunet developers about this

2) suggest a solution for fixing this issue (w/o which can't emerge


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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