On 13.02.2017 12:34, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 5:53 AM, marco restelli <mreste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could you suggest any reference about how an initramfs can help making
>> it easier to identify the correct root filesystem? Does this
>> functionality overlap with what grub can do, or is something
>> different?
> The dracut references are fairly extensive, but they probably assume
> that you already know about something like this.  Keep in mind that on
> virtually all other distros end-users aren't expected to set up their
> own kernels or initramfs so there isn't a lot of general documentation
> out there.  And even within Gentoo a lot of people seem to avoid an
> initramfs, so our own docs may not be as extensive as they could be.
> [...]

There is some very good documentation about crafting your own initramfs
it the Gentoo wiki:

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