On 02/11/2017 02:10 PM, Nils Freydank wrote:
> Hi Thelma and others,
> On Fri Feb 10 2017, 18:34:34 CET wrote the...@sys-concept.com:
>> When I scan my local network:
>> nmap  -sn
>> It prints all the devices connected to it but sometimes it prints the
>> device "name" and sometimes it doesn't eg:
>> Nmap scan report for iaxy (
>> Host is up (-0.095s latency).
>> MAC Address: 00:0F:D3:00:30:DD (Digium)
>> Nmap scan report for
>> Host is up (0.00017s latency).
>> MAC Address: 54:7F:54:76:61:0D (Ingenico)
>> "...for "name" + IP"
>> "...for + IP
>> Where is it taking the "name" from?
>> It would like to assign a label "name" to all devices.
>> --
>> Thelma
> I’d say that the name "iaxy" is a via DNS (reverse) resolved hostname; maybe
> there is a DNS server running (or there are entries in /etc/hosts) or it’s 
> just
> zeroconf/bonjour[1], which runs nowadays virtually everywhere.
> The other part looks to me as vendors names nmap got from the MAC addresses
> which first parts are vendor specific.
> A quick search[2] gave me these two results (beside some other ones) who seem
> to confirm my thoughts:
> http://superuser.com/questions/702309/how-to-get-device-name-from-scan-like-nmap-on-linux
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27817412/why-nmap-sometimes-does-not-show-device-name
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking
> [2] https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nmap+device+names&t=ffab&ia=qa
> Hope that helps you :)
> PS: What exactly does '-sn' (or is it just a typo)? My nmap doesn't complain
> when I use it, but the manpage only knows about '-sN' here
> (net-analyzer/nmap-7.40).

-sn: Ping Scan - disable port scan

The only difference between the two networks that I'm aware of is one
runs dd-wrt on Linksys router and the other (with names showing) runs on
Asus NT-R16 router.

Non of them run DNS server to my knowledge.

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