Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 05:57:26 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 05:22:19 -0600, Dale wrote:
>>>> The biggest reason I needed to do this is that I usually have
>>>> portage's work directory on tmpfs.  I just don't have enough memory
>>>> to do them all at the same time, one at a time would work tho.  If I
>>>> ever get around to upgrading to 32GBs, then this won't matter.   
>>> I get round this in another way
>>> % cat /etc/portage/package.env/libreoffice
>>> app-office/libreoffice ccache.conf disk-tmpdir.conf
>>> % cat /etc/portage/env/disk-tmpdir.conf
>>> PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/mnt/scratch"
>>> There, the larger packages use spinning rust for $TMPDIR. This not
>>> only means I can merge more than one of them at once, it also means I
>>> can use my computer for other things while it's happening.
>> The last time I ummounted it from tmpfs and some of my processes were
>> killed when it was done.
> There's no need to unmount anything. All other packages still use the
> tmpfs location, I just have the bigger ones using my hard drive. It means
> I don't need to worry about things running out of space or crippling my
> other use of the computer - this is on a laptop with 8GB, my desktop now
> has 32GB to I let everything use tmpfs.

When it ran out of ram that last time, I had everything building on disk
not tmpfs.  I ran out of memory because of the programs I had open and
the memory needed for it to compile whatever it was it was compiling.  I
wasn't using memory for tmpfs at the time.  It just killed some programs
that were using a lot of ram instead of stopping emerge.  Sort of odd
now that I think about it.  I'd rather it kill emerge when it runs out
of ram myself. 

So, even with your settings, it would have done the same thing.  I have
no idea why it used so much ram that time.  That's one reason I think it
was compiling the three big ones plus some other big one or more.  I
think there is a couple big KDE related packages still lurking about. 

>> My hope was to wrestle those three under control in a way that they
>> would only do one at a time without me having to monitor it or split the
>> process.  If I could do that, then I think the rest would be workable. 
>> Maybe one of the devs will add this nifty feature one day.  I figure it
>> will happen right after I upgrade my memory and no longer need it.
>> ROFL 
> That would be pointless, as they would lose their most "enthusiastic"
> beta tester ;-)

Yea, well.  lol 


:-)  :-) 

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