Recently suffering an infection, I left my machine logged in for 14 days ; during that time, I did a couple of eix-sync's + system updates. Yesterday feeling sufficiently better, I shut it down when going to bed. Today, I restarted with no apparent problem & read the news via Firefox.
Then I tried to do a search for 'Thomas Telford' with the default Google : nothing happened nor when I substituted Wikipedia in the search-engine box ; OTOH in that box DuckDuckGo successfully found the Wikipedia entry. I also tried my bookmark for Wikipedia, which also refuses to work. The only hint I have is 1 "URL not found" report. Vivaldi finds both Google & Wikipedia without any problem. All the other usual newspapers etc come up as usual : only those 2 fail to appear when using Firefox. I've checked for cookie blockers, but there's no related entry, nor anything in AdBlockPlus. To keep the older Tab sorting system, I still FF 38.8.0 , but there has been no other problem with it since I installed it 160716. Can anyone suggest what might have happened ? -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca