Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Sunday 05 Feb 2017 01:44:30 Dale wrote:
>> Ask anyone, I'm different on the way I do USE flags, or I feel that
>> way.  If I have a flag that I want enabled/disabled on basically
>> everything that uses that flag, it goes in make.conf.  If I have a USE
>> flag that I may need for just a few packages, or a single package, I put
>> it in package.use.
> The devs have already made that choice, though of course you don't have to 
> follow them.

Other than the profile, I set the USE line in make.conf, or
package.use.  I'm not trying to post details on a specific USE flag,
just picking a common one that makes the point of how it can be handled. 

>> Basically, make.conf is the rule for USE flags.  Package.use is for
>> exceptions to that rule.
> Or, if the USE flag is documented in /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc it's for 
> general application and you put it in make.conf, and if it's in 
> /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc it applies to one or a few specific 
> packages and you put it in package.use.
> Then you just have to decide how to arrange you package.use directory. This 
> is mine, in case it helps anyone:
> # ls /etc/portage/package.use
> boinc  firefox  firmware  iputils  qtwebengine  runtime-meta  xorg
> # cat /etc/portage/package.use/xorg
> media-libs/mesa         -vaapi
> sys-devel/llvm          clang video_cards_radeon
> x11-libs/libdrm         video_cards_radeon
> # cat /etc/portage/package.use/boinc
> app-emulation/virtualbox        additions extensions java python
> x11-libs/wxGTK                  webkit
> You can see I have all the USE flags affecting the xorg-x11 system in one 
> file, 
> all those needed by boinc in another, and so on. In my usual top-down 
> approach I name each file by what it's for, not what's in it.
>> As usual, do what makes the most sense to you.  I post this just in case
>> this way may make sense, not that much of anything I do makes sense to
>> anyone else.  ;-)
> You're too modest...  :)

I have one file.  I tried having more than one file and I did not like
that one bit.  Sometimes the same line can fit in a different package
depending on what pulls in a package and needs a certain USE flag
setting.  If I need to know if a package is listed in package.use, I
have one file to look at.  I don't have to spend a lot of time looking
in the file I think it should be in only to find it in another file for
some other reason than the current one.  Yep, I tried that road.  It's
not for me.  If it works for you tho, do it that way.  Everyone has a
way/method that works for them. 


:-)  :-) 

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