On Fri, 03 Feb 18:34:22 -0700
the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
I have an old version of asterisk- (it is no longer in portage).
I want to keep this version, temporarily (till I have a chance to test a
new one 11.25.1-ver.

If you have the asterisk-ebuild (and all related files) still available, you could try to migrate it to a local overlay [1][2]. Otherwise, tell Portage you are handle this package yourself by adding it to:

This file can be used to hold a specific version — even the package is no longer in tree. But notice, this isn’t the whole truth as mentioned in [3]. Portage will not update listed packages unless another package requires a newer version of it.

Give it a try and invoke:
   emerge --pretend --verbose net-misc/asterisk
to ensure if it’ll work as expected.

  [2] <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Overlay/Local_overlay>
  [3] <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/profile/package.provided>

Best regards,
Floyd Anderson

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