On 01/29/2017 03:56 PM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> I haven't updated my system for over a year (1year and 3-months).
> I was trying to upgrade my firefox-bin and I'm already running into problems.

Ugh, you're in for it. The ncurses update requires --backtrack=100 or
something like that. Independently, the ruby situation is a mess because
ruby20 was masked at the same time as the RUBY_TARGETS flag, meaning
that everyone's system immediately became inconsistent (installed
packages depending on masked flag depending on masked dev-lang/ruby).
You might be better off manually unmasking ruby:2.0 and
USE=ruby_targets_ruby20 until this is over.

Start at the top and "emerge -v1" things one at a time. If that doesn't
work, start at the bottom and try it. Or go through your /var/db/pkg and
see which one of those you can hit with an "emerge -1" successfully.
Once you've gotten the list down a little bit, it might be easier to see
what the blockers are.

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