On 26 January 2017 at 18:03, Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I looked for more information on GRUB form upstream but, on first
> impression, it's been an abandoned project since 2012... Apparently some
> users have posted patches to things like the invalid sector size problem
> but the project has been deaf to these problems and has done nothing
> whatsoever. =(

The official repository for grub shows regular activity (last commit was 2
days ago), see here: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/log/

> *snip
> I don't know where Gentoo is getting it's source for Grub...

You can find this info by looking in the relevant ebuilds. Gentoo is
getting it's grub source from the official GNU grub repository: http://git.

> Apparently the git version of Grub was abandoned in 2015, as far as I
> can tell...

See above.

> I'm trying to build it from source. As is appropriate the
> git repository doesn't have the git scripts, I tried running autoreconf
> on it but got error messages...
> I cleared a few of them but I'm like:
> ##########################################
> atg@localhost ~/source/grub $ autoreconf
> autoreconf-2.69: configure.ac: AM_GNU_GETTEXT is used, but not
> automake-1.15: error: cannot open < Makefile.util.am: No such file or
> directory
> autoreconf-2.69: automake failed with exit status: 1
> atg@localhost ~/source/grub $
> ##########################################
> Is there a way to ebuild a "grub-git" and produce a grub install with
> version = date of most recent commit on active fork?

If you'd like to build the most recent version directly from the git
repository you could emerge "=grub-9999" (portage will do everything for
you, that is, it pulls the sources directly from the master branch and
builds from them). Otherwise, clone the sources yourself and, instead of
autoreconf, run the provided autogen.sh script, which is what you should
generally do for autotools-projects instead of running autoconf yourself.

Hope this helps,

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