Probably a good idea to quickpkg before unmerging in case things break. Also check what gets added to /var/lib/portage/world to make sure dependencies haven't been added when you re-install. You could take a copy of that file before you start so you can diff them after, or use -p and --tree before you re-install so you can identify the dependencies and leave them out of the install package list
- [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Miroslav Rovis
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Arve Barsnes
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Miroslav Rovis
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Helmut Jarausch
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Meino . Cramer
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Tuomo Hartikainen
- Re: [gentoo-user] trouble updating texlive Adam Carter