On 170115-14:23+0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> while trying to setup a better environment for online banking,
> I wanted to make my daily Linux environment also more secure (in the
> sense of keeping my digital footprint as small as possible).
> I read some informations on the internet.
> Conclusion: Its more private to hide in the mass as
> to be the only one, who is able to keep all information
> off the internet -- which is remarkable unique --
> you are putting a label with your name right onto
> your fronthead just before entering the digital world
> of surveillance.
> I did not tried to do the same with PaleMoon which
> I did with Firefox since the amount of compatible plugins/extensions
> for PaleMoon is quite small and I still cant use NoScript with PaleMoon.
True, quite small, still. And growing slowly. But just wait to learn

> Two sites I found on the internet, which are quite handy to
> check what the current browser is submitting:
> https://panopticlick.eff.org/
> and for more detailed results:

Didn't know about the this one:
> https://anonymous-proxy-servers.net/en/help/security_test.html
> (the presented results on that page are examples. Click
> "Check it!" on the upper right corner of that page. If a
> authetication dialog pops up, click it away and click
> "Start test" on the page.)
> The results of the modification and addons I added
> are shown in the attached images.
> I removed the informations of my ISP and IP-address.
> If there is an interest of what I did I would be happy
> to describe it...but there is a problem of the memory
> footprint...
I don't understand what you mean by the "problem of the memory

I've limited time to delve into this issue, but I suggested to you that
you "just wait to learn more".

Here's a post in reply to my long standing query, which is just
abounding with information I'm sure you'll find you don't want to miss:

Tracking protection and NSS SSL secrets logging (two security

Just two of the links (they're really several links there, most all
relevant, none mentioned yet in gentoo-user ML, and I've been
reading/skimming pretty much faithfully)...

[Just two of the links] (that may even be linked from some of the links
therefrom), first:
(yes, it's kind of a referred link, it's from:
Autofill vulnerability
https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14425 )

And second...

Which is also something related to memory, but it's not about memory
footprint that is not clear what you mean above.

Latest Tor Browser Exploit Shows Firefox's Urgent Need To Increase
which somebody should tell the author that it's not "user-after-free",
the bug, but the bug is "use-after-free" bug. Just the kind of bug that
was strongly suspected, either that or some race condition, by probably
the top world expert on security in this Gentoo bug:
=sys-kernel/hardened-sources-4.7.6: Kernel panic when starting KVM
(in the end it appears to me, the bug shows how virtualization people
want unfettered use of sysfs pseudo filesystem... Be sure to read also
why sysfs should not protected:
Good luck with anonimity using virt stuff!... To myself I wish good luck
too, because I have no option either...

I remember you said you had Secret Agent Spoofer[1] addon installed in
Palemoon. I'm checking the traces (which is arduous and very
time-consuming work), as it appears that one was _the_ bad addon, to me.

And it might be what spoofed you from Palemoon...

I can say that I was finally able to log into Palemoon forums (I posted
in the link "...NSS SSL..." above) right after I removed that addon, and
also I was able to subscribe right away to:
which I had tried quite a few times previously, with Secret Agent
Spoofer installed, to no avail.

Took me long time to write this... Pls. see if I needed to correct, esp.
any links, in the possible errata follow-ups of mine, sooner, or


[1] You wrote in Message-ID: <20170109163721.GB4970@solfire>:
> Furthermore I installed SecretAgent, Encrypted web (replacement for
> HTTPsEverywhere), Decentraleyes, CrushThoseCookies, CleanLinks and
> Adblock Latitude
(or: https://lists.gt.net/gentoo/user/321711#321711 ), where
"SecretAgent" can only stand for Secret Agent Spoofer.

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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