I made it!

or open:
$ <your-browser> \

(and also Screen_170113_2102_g0n_2.webm and Screen_170113_2102_g0n_3.webm )

But there are stories to tell, along with patches to share, and a place
for a nice bug report, coming.

( only when it's short info, and clear from the title what it's about,
do I top post )

On 170111-21:55+0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> Hi!
> This is my installation of the package virt-manager:
> # equery l virt-manager
>  * Searching for virt-manager ...
> [IP-] [  ] app-emulation/virt-manager-1.4.0-r2:0
> #
> # emerge -pv virt-manager
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies                         ... done!            
> [ebuild   R    ] app-emulation/virt-manager-1.4.0-r2::gentoo  USE="sasl -debug
> -gnome-keyring -gtk -policykit" LINGUAS="-as -bg -bn_IN -bs -ca -cmn -cs -da
> -de -en_GB -es -fi -fr -gu -hi -hr -hu -is -it -ja -kn -ko -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl
> -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -tr -uk -vi
> -zh_CN -zh_TW" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
> Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB
> #
> Also gunzip the equery_f_virt-manager.txt.gz for the list of files, of which I
> present only those that I will, apparently, have to try and use, once my
> initial query is cleared:
> /usr/bin/virt-clone
> /usr/bin/virt-convert
> /usr/bin/virt-install
> /usr/bin/virt-xml
> While at the list of files, pls. notice that there is no executable named
> 'virt-manager' in my system's virt-manager install:
> # grep -E '\/?bin\/virt-manager' equery_f_virt-manager.txt
> #
> or:
> # grep 'virt-manager$' equery_f_virt-manager.txt
> #
> both return empty.
> If I try sticking:
> echo "app-emulation/virt-manager gtk" >> 
> /etc/portage/package.use/package.use.file
> hopeful to get the GUI, then:
> # emerge -pv virt-manager
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies         ... done!                   
> !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "x11-libs/gtk+:3[introspection]" have been 
> masked.
> !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
> - x11-libs/gtk+-3.22.5::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> /etc/portage/package.mask/package.mask.file:
> #media-video/libav
> #gnome-base/gconf
> - x11-libs/gtk+-3.22.4::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> - x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.9::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> - x11-libs/gtk+-3.18.9::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> - x11-libs/gtk+-3.16.7::gentoo (masked by: package.mask, missing keyword)
> (dependency required by "app-emulation/virt-manager-1.4.0-r2::gentoo[gtk]" 
> [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "virt-manager" [argument])
> For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
> man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
> #
> And that is a story that I have met many times with many packages, and, in
> short, it hasn't ever been possible to solve it because in my
> security-oriented no-frills true-unix only system I have "-dbus" among other
> useflags:
> # grep -B3 -A6 '\-dbus' /etc/portage/make.conf
> # These are the USE flags that were used in addition to what is provided by 
> the
> # profile used for building.
> USE="a52 alsa apache2 audit bash-completion berkdb bzip2 caps cdr crypt \
>        cscope css -dbus dri dvb dvdr fam ffmpeg fontconfig gdbm \
>        -geoip gif git -gnome gnutls gpm gstreamer gzip hardened \
>        imagemagick -introspection jack jpeg jpeg2k -kde lame libcaca -libav \
>        mad maildir mhash mng mplayer ncurses nls ogg opengl -pam png 
> -policykit \
>        readline sasl sdl -selinux -systemd sysvipc smp sound sox sqlite 
> sqlite3 \
>        ssl subversion svg tiff truetype -udev unicode v4l vim-syntax vorbis \
>        X x264 xattr xine xv xvid zlib -pulseaudio"
> (
> A sidenote: notice what is banned with the '-' prefix. It's an
> non-poetterware [1], true-unix only system, and the 'hardened' useflag is of
> course for grsecurity-based hardened system, not for NSA Linux based. Oh
> sorry, I meant SELinux, but NSA, at the turn of the millenium, created SELinux
> just as, say, Mozilla, back in the Netscape days, created Javascript. So it
> should be called that, shouldn't it?
> )
> So I guess, to get Tails installed, the way I will need to follow:
> https://tails.boum.org/doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/virt-manager/index.en.html
> is certainly not literally. Exampli gratia, there is not anything to click at
> at all in my virt-manager, for me to be able to follow, say, let me paste 
> just the
> first step into here from that "advanced_topics" Tails page:
> Running Tails from an ISO image
>     Start virt-manager.
>     Double-click on localhost (QEMU) to connect to the QEMU system of your 
> host.
>     To create a new virtual machine, choose File -> New Virtual Machine.
>     In step 1, choose Local install media (ISO image or CDROM).
>     In step 2, choose:
>         Use ISO image, then Browse..., and Browse Local to browse for the ISO 
> image that you want to start from.
>         OS type: Linux.
>         Version: Debian Wheezy.
>     In step 3, allocate at least 1024 MB of RAM.
>     In step 4, disable storage for this virtual machine.
>     In step 5:
>         Type a name for the new virtual machine.
>         Click Finish to start the virtual machine.
> Instead, I fear that I am left to these:
> /usr/bin/virt-clone
> /usr/bin/virt-convert
> /usr/bin/virt-install
> /usr/bin/virt-xml
> to accomplish the above GUI tasks, but translated into command line tasks, of
> course.
> Am I correct? And [I]f [I] [U]nderstand [C]orrectly, has anybody done this
> yet? And (again, IIUC) surely there must be Gentooers who did this?! But
> (again, IIUC and there are Gentooers who accomplished that), can they tell us
> what exact commands they used?
> And, on my part, if I ever make it before any of the assumed existing
> Gentooers who acoomplished the no-GUI virt-manager Tails installing and
> running tell us, if I ever make it, I will tell everybody the commands that I
> used to accomplish that.
> By the way, it's good to get more in depth and in detail about things ;-)
> It is only now that I have noticed that there is a dedicated (well, libvirt
> and things) ML... Only now! (The http://virt-manager.org$ is listed in bottom
> if you run 'eix virt-manager', and visiting it I found the ML.)
> So, the mailing list:
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/virt-tools-list
> (
> And it's good to get more in depth when posting questions because you often
> get (some) answers from your own self while posting :-) .
> )
> But still, this part that I post here is mostly Gentoo specific, and then, I 
> am
> also curious if I will get not-so-warm reception
> (
> I just subscribed, and will point
> to this in-depth Gentoo-installation details in this email, when I post my
> question there.
> But I intend just to ask how to get my GUI-less virt-manager to run Tails as
> VM, and not go into moral details of dbus-imposition there _at all_.
> )
> Why "not-so-warm reception"? Because in Gentoo, we often emphasized the
> red-hattisms and systemDestruction as detrimental to true-unix way things
> should be...
> But lo and behold, the relatively small, poor money, if any, involved
> (
> Gentoo is one of the most scantily financed FOSS entities in the whole of
> GNU-FOSS'dom. When there's no GSoC, not even the tiny dimes, the stingy tiny
> dimes that the Schmoog the Scmoogle heavy heartedly departs from, nay, tear
> away from their hearts wreaking in moneys...
> To learn about, pls. consider viewing:
> Gentoo Foundation, background and status report Robin Johnson
> https://youtu.be/S3bmXVbxMgE
> {When there's no [G]oogle [S]ummer [o]f [C]ode}, the financial entries is a
> truly tiny tiny trickle, and the Schmoog pays only, basically, and I guess
> really stingily for that too, for the code it gets from the participating
> Gentoo developers. It's a pay, not a donation. And it uses Gentoo in its
> CoreOS that it deploys. And so donates, in essence, nothing for the use of it.
> Like a huge parasite on a healthy body, yes!
> Don't worry, the stingy spies on the whole world, the Schmoog, won't opt for
> anything but Gentoo for their CoreOS, because nothing matches Gentoo... And
> you don't get a community like Gentoo created just so easily, so the big one
> here really is Gentoo, not the Schmoog, they are kind of just a small user.
> here.
> Oh, if I were rich, I would donate to Gentoo, I would!
> )
> [But lo and behold], we depend on the big Red Hat (full of U.S. military's
> id est U.S. of America taxpayers' moneys) for virtualization, and, does this
> not sound strange?, we depend on the big Red Hat to..., take good notice: to
> get anonymous?!
> We depend on the big Red Hat...
> ...to get ...anonymous?!
> The Red Hat that is all for poetterware, all for systemd, all for *kits and
> pulseaudio and things, which, the majority of us in Gentoo (the hardest of all
> Linuces to understand and use, and the most advanced in most respects; nothing
> can work as reliably on your system as what you install by compiling
> specifically for your system, and especially if you can install it almost
> really in any way on Earth that you can think of), [we depend on]... [the Red
> Hat that is all for poetterware] that we, mostly, do not want in our boxen.
> And we get virtualization, on which anonymization ever more often depends
> upon, from that beast of financially nearly unlimited resources (at least in
> comparison to Gentoo Foundation), and it is resources from, essentially, one
> superpower's of the world only?!
> This is beyond me now... It's too big to understand. Maybe just: I prefer to
> remain poor. At least nobody will ever be able to claim, as, in secret, they
> can for many, that they bought me.
> I decided to post this query integral, with big picture included prominent.
> But I won't go about it in endless discussions, should any ensue. Surely will
> read every sensible arguments proposed, pro or con, if any will be claimed.
> But I'm really mostly eager to get Tails running in my Gentoo...
> And someone would really need to dismiss big-time my arguments that I wrote in
> this email, for me to put yet more of my time into discussion on the more
> moral sides of this matter.
> I came to Gentoo, ninth year of my using of Gentoo is this current year 2017,
> because in Gentoo I found the best. And I understand ever more what Gentoo is,
> and want to tell others about it so others get to know Gentoo, be it that they
> decide even for the non-true unix options available in Gentoo, or even for the
> NSA Linux however much that I could never recommend it...
> And this is, to my best understanding, my integral view on the issue about
> virt-manager, a program that I need if I want to get Tails running in my
> Gentoo system. This is my integral view because it is comprising of the
> aspects that are, even though partly technical, still more in the moral and
> ethical domain in their nature, and which aspects are yes: very important.
> These aspects go beyond the merely technical deployment of the said
> virt-manager, but are, yes theya are: very important to understand.
> Exampli gratia, why would there be the need to impose dbus if you want to run
> a GUI that runs those commands? Why?
> Why? Here's why: dbus is embattled. It is being abandoned by a growing
> majority of unix-oriented FOSS developers. Just an example or two: in Devuan,
> the very young Debian non-systemd fork, developers regard it as mostly a 
> systemd
> impositioner. The GnuPG developers didn't want to use it, because they openly
> didn't trust it. And I'm certain every informed developer can tell you many
> more really good examples.
> And so, why not get a nice point of entry for the embattled dbus! they must
> have thought!
> People like me, which are not as advanced as to, say, convert programs to
> their liking, get to a page like (link already given above, repeating it):
> https://tails.boum.org/doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/virt-manager/index.en.html
> and they see they can't (easily) install virt-manager without installing dbus,
> and so, what happens?
> Very few of the likes of me (in the level of aptness for developing) have the
> kind of time like this time that I am dedicating to this issue, and what do
> they do? They install that poetterware-introducer opaque dbus thing! And the
> poetterization of their system is almost guarrantied! How dirty...!
> ----
> [1] poetterware stands for Poettering ware, after the name of the main
> developer (or if it shows right in your mail client, and in the web: Lennart
> Pöttering, written with the German "ö", o with umlaut, in original charset
> --it should show, UTF-8 is set in my Mutt--; btw he is not a kind German that
> I admire, and I am somewhat of a fan of teutonic culture and teutonic ways of
> life), who is the main author of systemd and other non-true unix and non-true
> FOSS programs that plague huge swaths of FOSS nowadays.
> -- 
> Miroslav Rovis
> Zagreb, Croatia
> http://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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