On 01/06/2017 02:18 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 01/06/2017 05:51 AM, Daniel Frey wrote:
>> I think I fixed it by accident. I couldn't find the KMS helpers to
>> enable for an external module in the kernel, so I built the Intel driver
>> with KMS support and it dragged in the KMS helper bits (confirmed by
>> grepping .config). Why can't we just turn that option on directly in
>> menuconfig for external modules? This is in gentoo-sources.
>> I've rebooted and the problem has gone away, go figure.
> I don't know if you missed my other post, but for nvidia, it's
> recommended to disable DRM and KMS.

I did miss that. I'll change & rebuild my kernel later to see if it has
the same effect.


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